The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Ted Mueller, Chairman, with Lloyd Zastrow, Kim Herro, Jim Zastrow and Brian Neumann present. Ted led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brian Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.

Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ        Opposed: None           Motion Carried


Brian Neumann read the minutes from the January Board Meetings.  There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the minutes with minor corrections.     Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ            Opposed: None           Motion Carried


Jim Zastrow read from his written report that there is a balance of -$748.17 in the General Fund, $1,631,804.01 in the Money Market Account, $35,455.35 in the Equipment Fund, and $120,967.92 in the Highway Reserve. There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read.     Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ        Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to pay the bills presented.                Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ            Opposed: None         Motion Carried


DuWayne Hunt, Highway Foreman, gave the board a verbal report.  Highlights from the report included the highway team plowed/salted as well as continue to brush & patch roads.


Mark Groose, County Supervisor, gave a verbal report that included: Hwy Plows, website updates and county fairgrounds management update.


Chief Flood from the Sullivan Fire Department gave a verbal update to the board to include: new elections, fire calls, tablet grants and failed inspection of the Concord Town Shop building.


There was a motion to enforce the contract CPI escalation with Summit Harvest church to start effective March 1st  by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro.  Affirmative: TM, KH        Opposed: LZ   Motion Carried


There was a motion to accept the bid from Rod Strauss to replace the garage doors at the town shop for $9710 by Kim Herro and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ        Opposed: None       Motion Carried


There was a motion to accept the bid from St. Lawrence Equipment to trade in and replace our Bobcat for a cost of $33,135.96 being funded using funds from the equipment fund by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Kim Herro.  Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ                Opposed: None   Motion Carried


With the approval of a new Bobcat, there was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to sell our loader.   Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ     Opposed: None     Motion Carried


With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ        Opposed: None           Motion Carried

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Monday, February 10, 2025 - 5pm