Town chairperson or a town supervisor.
For spaying or neutering of pets, the Spay Me Clinic in Sun Prairie is a low-cost option.
Wisconsin State Law requires yearly licensing of all dogs over 5 months of age Dog License Applications are accepted from January 1st thru March 31st. Any Application after April 1st will be considered delinquent and will be charged an additional $5 00 penalty. To apply for a Dog License please follow these simple steps
1. Obtain a Current Veterinary Certificate
The Certificate MUST include the following information
_ Proof of Rabies vaccination
_ Name of Dog
_ Sex of Dog
_ Breed
_ Color
2. Determine Dog License Fee from the following chart
Unaltered Males $ 8 00
Unaltered Females $ 8 00
Neutered Males $ 4 00
Spayed Females $ 4 00
Kennel License $35 00
3. Mail the Veterinary Certificate from Step (1), the Exact License Fee from Step (2), and a stamped self-addressed envelope to
James H. Zastrow, Treasurer
N6816 C.T.H. E
Oconomowoc, Wi 53066
After Processing, the Veterinary Certificate and Dog License will be sent via return mail.