The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Ted Mueller, Chairman, with Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Zastrow and Brian Neumann present. Ted led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Brian Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.
Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
Brian Neumann read the minutes from the November Board Meeting. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the minutes. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
After general discussion, a motion was made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to approve the Kenyon Bliss, W246 Allen Rd., request to annex .146 acres from a neighboring A-1 parcel (006-0716-0113-000) to his 1.22-acre A-1 parcel (006-0716-0113-004) and to rezone the resultant 1.366 acre property to A-3. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the Park and Planning Commission recommended changes to Chapter 6 Town ordinances. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
Jim Zastrow read from his written report that there is a balance of $15,531.21 in the General Fund, $140,996.36 in the Money Market Account, $20,667.07 in the Equipment Fund, and $16,031.25 in the Highway Reserve. There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to pay the bills presented. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
DuWayne Hunt, Highway Foreman, gave the board a verbal report. Highlights from the report included the highway team plowed/salted twice this past month, continue to brush as well as put up holiday lights.
There was general discussion by the board about the fire and EMS contracts that service the Town. It would be nice if we had all providers on the same schedule/contract term. If we could get providers on a three year plan, the board would have a better idea of the budget and can plan roadwork and longer range projects more effectively. The Town is not recommending that we change providers, just align agreements. The Town plans to release an RFP in the spring for EMS and Fire Services to the same providers seeking a three year agreement.
There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to renew the Ixonia Fire & EMS service for north of 94. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to give Western Lakes notice that we are terminating their contract to service EMS for the Town south of 94 to end at the end of 2024. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
Chief Bowen of the Western Lakes Fire District gave his written report to the board.
There was general discussion about cleaning up the Town Shop. There are assets that have either little cash value or no cash value the is cluttering the area around the shop and in the shop. The highway team is looking to part ways with these assets. The board is ok with them cleaning up and either selling, recycling or trashing unused assets. The board just asks that the highway team document their decisions and report back.
There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to approve the appointments of the follow elections inspectors for 2024-2025: Allie Simon, Linda Buxa, Suzie Schmidt, Scott Papke, Ethan Neumann, Benjamin Neumann, Evan Neumann, Jenny Turke, Art Turke, Tom Williams, Kim Miller and Sally Williams. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
Book closing is set for Monday, Nov. 27, at 9 a.m.
The date for the Budget Hearing was set for Tuesday, December 26, at 5 p.m.
With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow. Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried