Ethan Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.
Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
Ethan Neumann read the minutes from the October Board Meetings. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the minutes as read. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to approve the request by Joshua Edwards to rezone from A-1 to A-3 to create two 2-acre non-prime lots across from N5118 Bakertown Rd from a 14-acre parent parcel #006-0716-3313-001. Ted visually inspected the property and it was clear that the land was less than 50% prime land. The board and the owner would prefer the lot to be created in the wooded land vs the open field. This is not a current option due to the county restrictions.
Affirmative: TM, LZ Opposed: KH Motion Carried
Jim Zastrow presented his written report that stated there is a balance of $16,200.29 in the General Fund, $57,069.71 in the Money Market Account, $2,508.86 in the Equipment Fund, and $121,000 in the Highway Reserve.
There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to pay the bills presented. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
The Board tabled the Skid Steer purchase until the November 18th meeting so they can obtain more bids.
There was a motion to purchase the grapple bucket and blacktop saw was made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
There was a motion to approve the 2025 Water Humane Society Contract was made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Kim Muller. Affirmative: TM, KH, LZ Opposed: None Motion Carried
The Board set November 19th at 9 AM for their annual road inspection and review the speed limits.