The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Ted Mueller, Chairman, with Kim Herro, Jim Zastrow and Ethan Neumann (Deputy Clerk) present. Ted led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ethan Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the agenda as presented.

Affirmative: TM, KH              Opposed: None           Motion Carried


Ethan Neumann read the minutes from the May Board Meeting.  There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the minutes as read.       Affirmative: TM, KH            Opposed: None       Motion Carried


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to approve the request of Scott & Joyce Schiefelbein to rezone an A-1 parcel to A-3 from parcels 006-0716-2212-000 & 006-0716-2213-000 and from A-T to A-3 from parcel 006-0716-2221-005 to create a 2.2 acre A-3 lot at N6002 Grey Fox Trail.  The Town Board wanted all parties to know that there is a 18’ easement that still needs to be maintained and they confirmed they understood.     Affirmative: TM, KH      Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to approve the request of Chris Heinecke to rezone approximately 1.6 acres from A-1 to A-3 to be added to an existing 2-acre A-3 lot for a total lot size of 3.66 acres. Property is at W2245 County Road B, parcel nos. 006-0716-1813-005 & 008.   Affirmative: TM, KH   Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to deny the request of Ben Kacheris to subdivide an existing 6-acre A-3 lot to create 2 additional A-3 lots (a 1-acre lot and a 2-acre lot) at N5517 Pioneer Dr., parcel no. 006-0716-2913-002.    Affirmative: TM, KH             Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was general discussion regarding the Planning Commission working on an amendment to the Town Comprehensive Plan to address Jefferson County reducing the restrictions on A-3 lot splits. The board asked the Planning Commission to work with the clerk and the community.


Jim Zastrow read from his written report that there is a balance of $4,610.05 in the General Fund, $177,015.68 in the Money Market Account, $2,495.31 in the Equipment Fund, and $121,761.71 in the Highway Reserve.


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read.     Affirmative: TM, KH               Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to pay the bills presented.                Affirmative: TM, KH                   Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to appoint Dave Wegner as the chairman of the Park and Planning Commission.                Affirmative: TM, KH                 Opposed: None           Motion Carried


The board set the date for the annual mobile home park inspection for June 17th at 9 AM.


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to approve the liquor licenses for the Concord Inn and the liquor license and the tobacco license for the Concord House. They are tabling the voting on the liquor license and tobacco license for the Concord General Store.        Affirmative: TM, KH        Opposed: None          Motion Carried


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to approve the operators’ licenses for the following individuals:



Colleen Latsch

Saige Schellinger

Amy Gerdes

Miranda Aleman

Denise Koepp

Shawn Lamp

Daniel Genz

Christie Preuss

John E Bender

Jennifer Bader

JoAnn Stiemke

Jarred Ingersoll

Adrianne Bader

Mia Kirchner

Jean Sommers

Corey Alonso



Affirmative: TM, KH        Opposed: None          Motion Carried


With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro. Affirmative: TM, KH              Opposed: None           Motion Carried

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Monday, February 10, 2025 - 6pm