The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Ted Mueller, Chairman, with Kim Herro, Jim Zastrow and Ethan Neumann (Deputy Clerk) present. Ted led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ethan Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the agenda as presented.

Affirmative: TM, KH              Opposed: None           Motion Carried


Ethan Neumann read the minutes from the June Board Meeting.  There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the minutes as read.       Affirmative: TM, KH            Opposed: None       Motion Carried


There was a motion made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to approve the Plan Commission recommendation that requires a $150 fee for bringing a petition before the Plan Commission.     Affirmative: TM, KH           Opposed: None           Motion Carried


The board tabled the Plan Commission recommendation of a $100 fee for driveway permits/approval.


After discussion, there was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro for the plan commission to move forward with the process to Amend the Comprehensive Plan for by adding language around A-3 splits. This states with a Public Participation meeting.    Affirmative: TM, KH       Opposed: None           Motion Carried


Jim Zastrow read from his written report that there is a balance of $6,734.66 in the General Fund, $160,724.13 in the Money Market Account, $2,498.66 in the Equipment Fund, and $121,959.32 in the Highway Reserve.


There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read.     Affirmative: TM, KH               Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to pay the bills presented.                Affirmative: TM, KH                   Opposed: None           Motion Carried


There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro to pay for half of an AED Defibrillator for Town Hall with the cost to be split with the Summit Harvest Church.              Affirmative: TM, KH               Opposed: None               Motion Carried


With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Kim Herro. Affirmative: TM, KH              Opposed: None           Motion Carried



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Monday, February 10, 2025 - 6pm