October 23, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, Kim Miller, and Dave Wegner present. Tony Metzger was absent.
Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.
Jim Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 25, 2024 meeting, second by Kim Miller. All approved. Motion passed.
Item 1: Joshua Edwards requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to rezone from A-1 to A-3 to create two 2-acre non-prime lots across from N5118 Bakertown Rd from a 14-acre parent parcel #006-0716-3313-001. The property is owned by Patrick A. & Susan B. Pelikan Trust. Each lot is approximately 60% non-prime but as a whole the proposal uses 1.6 acres of prime land. The Plan Commission requested that the proposal be reconfigured so that less that 1 acre of prime land is used. Sally Williams made a motion to deny the petition as presented second by Jim Gilbert. All approved. Motion passed. Mr. Edwards will present a new proposal next month.
Item 4: Discussion of Town Ordinances Ch. 10 Public Nuisances and Ch. 11 Public Health and Welfare.
Minor changes were made to Ch. 10 to reflect that the town does not have a Constable or its own Health Officer Sally Williams made a motion to pass the revised Ch. 10 to the Town Board for approval, second by Kim Miller. All approved. Motion passed.
Ch. 11 deals primarily with the duties of the Health Officer which the town does not have and with control of communicable disease which would be handled by the county or state. 11.08 deals with Town regulation of nuisance-type businesses. Sally Williams made a motion to delete Ch. 11 except for section 11.08 which will be added to Ch. 10, second by Kim Miller. All approved. Motion passed.
With no further business, Jim Gilbert made a motion to adjourn, second by Sally Williams. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sally Williams, secretary