June 26, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, Kim Miller, Dave Wegner, and Tony Metzger present.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Jim Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 22, 2024 meeting, second by Tony Metzger. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1:  Discussion of fee for Plan Commission petitions.   Commission members proposed that there be a fee of $150 for petitions that require Plan Commission review (conditional uses, lot splits & rezoning, variances). The fee would be collected by the Plan Commission secretary and would be due 10 days prior to the meeting along with the paperwork for the petition.

Item 2: Discussion of Driveway permit fees and procedure. Commission members proposed that landowners wishing to put in a new driveway for any purpose would need to fill out an application for a driveway permit and submit with a fee of $100 to the Town Chair. The application would indicate the location of the proposed driveway and whether or not a culvert is required. Required driveway and culvert specs would be printed on the back of the application. Driveway area would be flagged for inspection and inspection would be completed by a town board member or by the highway department within 15 days of receipt of an application. There would be 2 areas for the town to sign on the application – one for the permit to put in the driveway and another section for the town to sign indicating approval of the completed driveway. A building permit would not be issued until the completed driveway has received town approval. Petitioners coming before the Plan Commission or Town Board to create a new buildable lot should be given a driveway application form at that time. The application should be submitted to the town chair once the petitioner has received final approval for the lot split from the county. Kim Miller will draft a driveway application for review at the next meeting.

Sally Williams made a motion to recommend the fee of $150 for review of petitions by the Plan Commission and $100 for a driveway application, second by Tony Metzger. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 3: Discussion of Amendment to Town Comprehensive Plan for subdividing A-3 lots.

In March 2024, the Jefferson County Board passed an amendment to the Jefferson County Agricultural Preservation and Land Use Plan and to the Jefferson County Zoning ordinance to allow A-3 lots created prior to February 8, 2000 to further divide to create up to (2) new lots. The Plan Commission recommended that the Concord Comprehensive Plan be amended to oppose the creation of new lots from existing A-3 lots.

It was proposed that the following sections be added to amend the Comprehensive Plan:

5.B.3.  The Town will not allow the further subdivision of A-3 lots created prior to Feb. 8, 2000 as allowed by a March 2024 amendment to the Jefferson County Agricultural Preservation and Land Use Plan and to the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. In this area the town continues to follow the February 2021 Jefferson County Agricultural Preservation and Land Use Plan.

10.B.2.  As noted in section 5.B.3., the Town will not allow further subdivision of existing A-3 lots.

11.C.2.  On March 12, 2024, the Jefferson County Board approved an amendment to the Jefferson County Agricultural Preservation and Land Use Plan and to the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance to allow A-3 lots created prior to February 8, 2000 to further divide to create up to (2) new lots. The Concord Plan Commission and Town Board will deny any petitions for creation of new lots from existing A-3 parcels.

Jim Gilbert made a motion to recommend the above changes to the Town Comprehensive Plan, second by Dave Wegner. All approved. Motion carried. The proposed changes will be presented to the Town Board at the July Town Board meeting.

Item 4: Continued discussion of Town Ordinances Ch. 9:

There was brief discussion on the noise ordinance. Dave Wegner noted that rather than set decibel levels, some communities restrict hours for activities that may produce annoying levels of noise. They also limit hours for construction activities that produce excessive noise. Agricultural activities could be exempted and permission/ permit to produce loud noises outside restricted hours, such as for fireworks, could be received from the Town Chair.

With no further business, Jim Gilbert made a motion to adjourn, second by Kim Miller. Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Sally Williams, secretary

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Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 4pm