October 26, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, Lloyd Zastrow, Kim Miller, and new member Kim Herro present.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Kim Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 28, 2022 meeting, second by Jim Gilbert. All approved. Motion passed.

Sally Williams made a correction to the posted agenda – in agenda item number 4, the name should read Douglas Lunde not Donald Lunde.

Item 1: Douglas and Sandra Lunde requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to create a 1.54-acre A-3 farm consolidation parcel around an existing home (pre-1975) from a 35.93-acre A-1 parcel at 7055 Morgan Rd. (pin 006-0716-0141-000). There was discussion about the fact that this property and the neighboring property to the south have a shared driveway. The lot line goes through the middle of the driveway. There is enough room along the road to split this into 2 separate driveways in the future if necessary. Currently both properties are under the same ownership. Sally Williams made a motion to recommend approval of the petition as presented, second by Jim Gilbert. Sally, Jim, Lloyd, and Kim Miller approved. Kim Herro denied.

Item 2: Review of Comprehensive Plan update

The Public Hearing Draft is available on the town website. Sally printed a summary of substantive changes from the MSA planner for each Plan Commission member. Changes include the following: language indicating we do not want solar farms, clarified policy of no business zoning outside the hamlet, added suggested criteria for businesses in the hamlet. The Public Hearing on the amended Plan will be Nov. 15 @ 7 p.m. The MSA planner will be present to give a presentation. The Plan Commission will consider the amended plan at their next meeting on Nov. 23. They may make minor changes stemming from Public Hearing input. The Plan Commission will then vote to recommend the new plan to the town board for approval. The Town Board will meet immediately after to pass the ordinance adopting the plan.

With no further business, Jim made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm, second by Kim. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Sally Williams, secretary

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Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 9am