November 25, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, and Carole Hoffmeister present. Also present were Town Chairman Bill Ingersoll, Town Supervisor Erik Frommgen, Bret Achtnehagen (Seasonal Services), Jim Davis (Keller, Inc), and town residents Kimberly Miller, Dale Konle, Rick Dana, and Dan Malone.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Jim Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2020, meeting, second by Carole Hoffmeister. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1: Bret Achtenhagen, Bret Achtenhagen’s Seasonal Services, Mukwonago, requested review of a proposal to rezone part or all of 82 acres of A-1 land located to the southwest of the Hwy F/ I-94 interchange (parcel #’s 006-0716-1523-000, 006-0716-1522-000, 006-0716-1033-001) to A-2, C, or business zone. He is also seeking a Conditional Use permit for the operation of a landscape contractor business, a retail & wholesale nursery & garden center, and entrepreneurial suites.

The basic proposal as presented to the Plan Commission is as follows:

Jim Davis described the layout of the proposal. They would like to develop approximately 52 acres to the west of County Shop Road up to I-94. The proposal is to subdivide the property into 5 business lots. The landscape business would locate in a lot comprising the north 17.7 acres of the property along I-94 with 2 driveways accessing that area – 1 for employees and 1 for customers. A 24,000 sf building would house the landscape business operation with parking for 100 employees and up to 150 business trucks and accessory trailers and equipment. Four 12,000 sf entrepreneurial suites with parking are proposed in the southern portion of the property.

Bret Achtenhagen described his business proposal. The entrepreneurial suites would help to generate income to subsidize the purchase of the property and would be rented for local business use such as contractors or storage – not retail. He may consider selling one of the proposed lots in the future. His landscape business has been at its current location over 20 years and currently has about 100 employees with about 50 trucks/ trailers. This is expanding yearly. The projection in his proposal is up to 150 trucks with accessory vehicles and trailers. He does not have a nursery or a retail center at this time but may like to develop that in the future. He also discussed the possibility of developing a yard waste recycle center at the site. The business would operate from about 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the summer. Trucks would leave in the morning and return in the evening. In the winter the business does snowplowing.

Sally Williams stated that she did not feel that the proposal fit with the Jefferson County Agricultural Preservation and Land Use Plan which seeks to concentrate large scale business development in urban service areas and to preserve farmland. This proposal is developing prime farmland not in an urban service area into a business subdivision. A business development of this size is also not consistent with the Town of Concord Land Use Plan, particularly the following goals and strategies adopted in the Plan: 1) Business development will be small scale and locally owned. Development by large businesses/ employers would be prohibited. There will be no rezoning around the I-94 interchange to accommodate increased residential or business development. 2) New development will be limited to sites with existing road access. 3) The town will not rezone in anticipation of development. 4) No new subdivisions will be created.  5) All new business development would be located in the hamlet. 6) The hamlet will not be expanded. 7) Non-residential development around the I-94 interchange will be severely limited.

Mr. Achtenhagen indicated he could consider using more of the parcel to plant trees for a wholesale nursery as opposed to subdividing for further business endeavors. He stated that in his current location he is surrounded by subdivisions and the neighbors have no problem with him. He would be willing to have a limit put on the number of trucks he operates with. Currently he has 30 office employees who would be work onsite but he doesn’t expect to add to that. He may also open satellite locations so that some of his business growth would occur off this location. He would also consider not having a retail center. He would be open to suggestions as to other business endeavors that we would consider instead of the entrepreneurial suites.

Extensive discussion followed.

Kim Miller made the point that if we depart from our plan to allow this development, we would have no ability to prevent further such development surrounding the interchange.

Bill Ingersoll stated that at the time we wrote the Town Plan, the opinion of the community was to keep things rural and he feels that we would open up Pandora’s box if we start to depart from the Plan and allow a business of this size. Bill also voiced concern about the increase traffic in an area which is already congested coming out of County Shop Rd during the busy morning and late afternoon hours.

Lloyd Zastrow felt that the size of the landscape business and the unknowns of the entrepreneurial suites were the biggest issues with the proposal.

Jim Davis and Bret Achtenhagan left the meeting at 9:15. Further discussion centered around the traffic concerns and consistency of the proposal with the Town Plan. Consensus was that the current size of the landscape business itself, without considering the subdividing and additional business proposals, is not consistent with the Town Plan and would open up the town to further development around the interchange.

Based on discussion, Jim Gilbert made a motion to deny approval of the proposal, second by Sally Williams. Lloyd, Jim, and Sally approved. Carole abstained.

With no further business, Jim Gilbert made motion to adjourn, second by Carole Hoffmeister. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Williams, secretary

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 4pm