The special town meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Chairman Bill Ingersoll with Ted Mueller, Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Zastrow and Brian Neumann present.  Bill led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Jim Zastrow, Treasurer and Brian Neumann, Clerk read the proposed 2019 budget. There was general discussion on the budget.

There was a motion made by Dale Konle and seconded by John Waldschmidt to set the 2019 highway expenditures at $120,227. The motion carried with a voice vote.

There was a motion made by Cindy Arbiture and seconded by Kim Miller to set the 2019 tax levy at .001994674 or a total of $344,796. The motion carried with a voice vote.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by John Waldschmidt and seconded by Dale Konle.            


Following the special voters meeting, the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Chairman Bill Ingersoll with Ted Mueller, Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Zastrow and Brian Neumann present.  Bill led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Brian Neumann, Clerk, certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM       Opposed: None   Motion Carried

Brian Neumann read the minutes from the October board meeting. There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the minutes as read.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM        Opposed: None         Motion Carried

There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Ted Mueller to approve the request of Julie Seegers on behalf of Sally Armstrong of a preliminary CSM to create a 1.4 acre A-3 lot from a 5.8 acre A-1 parent parcel on Sunset Dr. (parcel# 006-0716-1841-002).  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM           Opposed: None         Motion Carried

Jim Zastrow stated in his treasures report that there is a balance of $ 731.25 in the General Fund, $ 192,260.85 in the Money Market Account and $ 6,440.12 in the Equipment Fund CD.  There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Ted Mueller to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.   Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM              Opposed: None     Motion Carried

There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to pay the bills as presented.        Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM       Opposed: None         Motion Carried

There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Ted Mueller to pay approve Rebecca Frommgen and Tamra Hoerth operator’s license applications for the 2018-2019 period.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM               Opposed: None         Motion Carried

 There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to approve the Sullivan Fire Contract as presented.    Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM          Opposed: None         Motion Carried

 The Board decided to send back the Ixonia contract with one red line.

 Cindy Arbiture on behalf of the Concord Historical Society thanked the town for the last 25 years as the historical society celebrated their 25th anniversary.  She then presented the town with a check for $400 per the lease agreement to offset utilities at the old town hall.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Ted Mueller.             Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM          Opposed: None        Motion Carried

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Friday, December 28, 2018 - 9am