The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Bill Ingersoll Chairman with Erick Frommgen, Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Zastrow and Brian Neumann present.  Bill led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance

Brian Neumann, Clerk, certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.          Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF          Opposed: None        Motion Carried

Brian Neumann read the minutes from the January board meeting. There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Erick Frommgen to accept the minutes as read.          Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF         Opposed: None         Motion Carried

Jim Zastrow stated from his written report that there is a balance of $104.76 in the General Fund, $1,090,035.94 in the Money Market Account, $16,455.54 in the Equipment Fund and $12,477.26 in the Highway Reserve.  There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.                Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF        Opposed: None     Motion Carried

There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to pay the bills as presented.                       Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF        Opposed: None         Motion Carried

There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Bill Ingersoll to bid up to $4,000 on the Ernst & Young auction for a 8’ Farm King Snow Blower.           Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF       Opposed: None         Motion Carried

There was general discussion around additional capital needed for the Highway Crew for mowers and a Skid Steer. These items will be posted for approval at next months meeting.

There was discussion on the 9.09 Complaints. A letter has been sent from Jefferson County on County Zoning violations. This is now in their hands to enforce.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill Ingersoll seconded by Lloyd Zastrow.                 Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF          Opposed: None        Motion Carried


Respectfully submitted, Brian Neumann, Clerk

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Monday, April 12, 2021 - 5pm