State of Wisconsin                                                                                                   August 14, 2023

Town of Concord


The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Ted Mueller, Chairman, with Lloyd Zastrow, Kim Herro, Jim Zastrow and Ethan Neumann (Deputy Clerk) present. Ted led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ethan Neumann certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the agenda as presented with flexibility.    Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH        Opposed: None           Motion Carried

Ethan Neumann read the minutes from the July Board Meeting.  There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the minutes.   Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH       Opposed: None            Motion Carried

Jim Zastrow read from his written report that there is a balance of $15,827.06 in the General Fund, $143,889.14 in the Money Market Account, $20,553.17 in the Equipment Fund, and $15,943.67 in the Highway Reserve. There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Kim Herro to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read.     Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH        Opposed: None           Motion Carried

There was a motion by Kim Herro and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to pay the bills presented.            Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH            Opposed: None       Motion Carried

There was a motion made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to create a request for proposal for the Morgan Road Bridge over Oconomowoc River.    Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH             Opposed: None       Motion Carried

There was a motion made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller to hire Dave Pagel at $25 an hour for seasonal highway work.   Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH             Opposed: None       Motion Carried

There was general discussion on the chapter one ordinances that need to be updated. The board asked that the Planning Commission work to review each ordinance as they have time until they are all reviewed. When finished with each section, bring before the board to pass.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow.  Affirmative: TM, LZ, KH        Opposed: None           Motion Carried



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Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 7pm