October 27, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Gilbert, Carole Hoffmeister, Sally Williams, and Kim Miller present.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Jim Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 22, 2021 meeting, seconded by Carole Hoffmeister. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1: Anthony and Sharon Pugh requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to create a 2.88 acre A-3 zone from an A-1 zone at W1008 Concord Center Dr, pin #’s 006-0716-1542-005 and 006-0716-1513-002. Their lot is currently a 2.28 acre A-1 lot. They are requesting to add a .6-acre strip of land along the south side of the lot to resolve setback issues (their garage and well are on/over the lot line). They will need to rezone to A-3 to make this change. Jim made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary CSM as presented. Second by Kim. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 2: Derek Kramer requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to create a 2.07 acre A-3 lot from a 46 acre A-1 zone at N5438 Hillside Dr., parcel #’s 006-07162932-000 and 006-0716-2933-000. Jim made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary CSM as presented. Second by Carole. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 3: Jodi Goldbeck requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to create a 2.335 acre A-3 zone around a pre-1975 existing home and buildings and to create (2) 2.0 acre A-3 lots from a 40 acre A-1 parent parcel at N5049 Inlynd Dr., parcel # 006-0716-3541-000. Note – the original request was for (2) 1.522 acre A-3 lots. Several neighbors were in attendance and expressed concern about the increased development. The road is a dead end and is very quiet and narrow. They were concerned about further splits on the property and were informed that if the current request is approved, no further splits would be allowed. Jim made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary CSM as presented, second by Sally. Jim, Sally, Lloyd, and Kim – yes/  Carole – no. Motion passed.

Item 4: Discuss Comprehensive Plan update. Dale Konle discussed his ideas for updating the Comprehensive Plan. He would like to hire a consultant to work with the town particularly in developing wording to set criteria for approval of CUPs and A-2 zoning. He has asked Larry Oliverson to be the point person for the Town to organize meetings and communicate with the planner. Planning meetings would be open to the public.

With no further business, Sally made a motion to adjourn, second by Kim. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Williams, secretary


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